‘It’s not you, it’s me’ is the gist of college student qualms with dating apps. Hook-up culture declines while young people search for genuine connection.

  • Windex007@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I can’t stress enough that I understand the mechanics at play. I am a software engineer. It’s literally my job to step back and understand how systems work.

    I’m saying my initial failure, and the failure of most users, is choosing to compromise their authenticity for short term gains, if long term connections are your objective.

    Look at any dating app forum. They’re all obsessed about min-maxing your profiles. They’ve got repositories of pickup lines. They’re all running under the faulty premise that you want to maximize the number of matches.

    That is a great strategy if you are looking for a hookup. That is a great strategy if you’re looking to maximize dopamine hits.

    It is an intrinsically self-defeating approach if you’re looking for a steady long term relationship.