If you get, say, depressed because of your life being constant shit, how will going to a mental institution help? How does therapy help?

It’s not like therapy is going to solve the problems you face in life, like lack of money, friends, bad job, etc? I guess I’m asking what is the purpose of therapy and mental institutions?

  • Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    In practice, you will essentially be a prisoner only allowed to leave at the physician’s permission.

    In addition you will learn to say what they want to hear, regardless of how you really feel, because from the nurses up to the management, not a single soul will give even the slightest hint of a flyng fuck about you as a person.

    If you finally do get out and carry some extra trauma instead of solutions, you get rejected from jobs for it - or worse, if you end up in a bad divorce or other legal issues, THAT HISTORY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.

    YMMV but I can’t disrecommend this enough.

    • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’m sorry that you had such a rough time, but please don’t frighten away people who need these services.

      My brother stayed at a facility for a few months, and although he also didn’t enjoy being there, IT SAVED HIS LIFE. Had he not been in a controlled environment like that, he would have continued to spiral into paranoid delusions, he would be afraid to leave the house and too afraid to sleep.

      I don’t know you, so I can’t say if you shouldn’t have been there in the first place, or if you were just so resistant to treatment that you never really saw any benefit, but there are people who need that kind of controlled environment to get back to a mental state that allows them to maintain their own mental health and live their life the best they can.

      Scaring those people away with horror stories is only going to cause them to fear the ONLY thing that can help them get better.