If you get, say, depressed because of your life being constant shit, how will going to a mental institution help? How does therapy help?

It’s not like therapy is going to solve the problems you face in life, like lack of money, friends, bad job, etc? I guess I’m asking what is the purpose of therapy and mental institutions?

  • UnculturedSwine@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    In the same way that physical therapy provides you with an environment, tools, and professionals that help you physically heal, therapy helps you with your emotions and thoughts. Therapists may offer advice but the main purpose of therapy is to give you a safe place where you can work through your emotions which can then lead to a better outlook on life.

    Often times the reason why we get stuck in a rut due to a bad job, money issues, relationship issues, is because we haven’t taken care of our mental health and poor mental health will exacerbate those issues. If you are doing therapy while all that is going on, it will help you get in a better head space where you can start taking care of those issues or at least mitigate the trauma that they cause.