Prior to the internet condensing into just 5 or so websites, what do you remember fondling about being online?

I remember winning a raffle contest on the old Terraria forums and getting to pick my own title (instead of just New Member, Member, Well-Known Member). Of course, since I was like 13, I picked a random collection of letters that only I knew was an acronym of my signature on said forums.

    1 year ago

    Back in 1995, my first night using the internet. I remember visiting websites by guessing their URL, since there were no search engines and I didn’t know of Yahoo! yet.

    I visited the Louvre ( was an easy guess), and was amazed by all the photos of art that I could see! I also visited NASA ( and saw some satellite images, something that blew my mind.

    It was a new world opening to me. I stayed awake til late, mesmerized by all the internet could offer. In those first years of using the internet I remember some nights that I would log off early because “there was nothing else to see”.