There’s data on this:
Millenials, and presumably gen z, are getting less conservative with age, a complete reversal of the traditional trend. We’re also the first generation that’s poorer than our parents.
They kept the money flowing in the post-war economy, and kept propping it up with increasing globalisation, pushing the poverty onto poorer nations, but it looks like that’s stopped working and now the economy is cannibalising its own young.
I hope this sparks revolution, and I see our job right now as building the structures that will make a better world afterwards.
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Boomers started out progressive then sold out. They project this onto everyone else as if it’s the natural order of things.
Same with the whole “social experiment” thing they accuse everyone of.
In fact, their childhoods were the biggest social experiment ever. Suburbs, nuclear families with mothers who needed uppers to do everything expected of them, easy access to free and cheap education and loans, etc. They act like it’s the way things always were, and that it’s the only way things should ever be.
It was all a fluke of the post war economy. Not normal, not sustainable, and trying to appease their fantasy is killing the world.