Genuinely curious.

Why do you like LLMs? What hopes do you have for AI & AGI in our near and distant future?

    1 year ago

    I do roleplay with them. Program my own chatbot/waifu, just chat or download one of the character cards for SillyTavern. Sometimes use them to bounce ideas for creative things or let them assist me in writing a story. So I mainly tinker around.

    I don’t use LLMs for anything “useful”. I can code myself. Okay, sometimes I give them small tasks. Re-word things, give them a draft and let them put it into more vivid and proper words, draft an email for me or translate something. Just a little thing here and there.

    I hope they’re getting more useful. Once we solved alignment to a degree, and got hallucinations under control, I believe they can take a lot of tedious tasks off our shoulders. I for example hate paperwork. And organizing things. I’d like some AI to do it for me.

    I believe they’re first getting useful in combination with a human and assist. You give it some input and let it do the writing, or fill out an excel sheet. Or have it as your pair programming partner. Or answer questions. Or draft something. And we have some kind of a labor shortage anyways. I believe this can be used to make things more efficient.

    I don’t see it as a threat to human labor, but as a way to get more things done in a work-day and make things easier (if done right). As long as you bring something to the table, human brains are still (more) useful for quite some time. So I believe well qualified people don’t need to worry too much.

    Once we get close to AGI I hope this will revolutionize economy in a good way. Make everything easier and more efficient so we can concentrate more on the interesting stuff the world has to offer. I still have my doubts, since there are a few technical problems in the way, we need better legislation, also with the way society and capitalism works, I doubt we’re getting there without major hiccups. And I hope we’re getting to be a part of it. AI is currently dominated by large corporations like >$100 million to the size of Meta. We need this to benefit the people and be democratic. Not go into the direction that benefits the large corporations the most. But I’m still very optimistic. We have governments to control corporations and provide at least somewhat of an level playing field. They need to step up their game, but I think this is doable.