Vote in the comments!
Downvote to disagree, upvote to agree
See, if reddit had just let the upvote/downvote system work as intended, instead of banning people for no reason at all in a lot of cases, this entire problem likely would have been avoided. And no matter what the bans should have never been permanent! We dont put people in prison FOREVER, social media accounts should also be treated with some decency.
Permabans with no way to appeal are ridiculous.
And then to add that if you create a new account to get around a subreddit ban then that makes you eligible for a sitewide ban is even more ridiculous.
A lot of this is because the prevalent attitude has been ‘it’s the internet, it doesn’t matter’, and that allowed people to do things that we, as a society, decided long ago that people weren’t supposed to do.
Small suggestion - Is it possible for you to pin this comment to the top of the comment feed? I missed the comment when I first looked to be honest
Not possible in Lemmy…
Ah fair. I’m sure it will come in time.
My only real concern is iOS app support but it’s still early days.
I can’t say I will stay on Lemmy. But I won’t return to Reddit.
Same here. It’s already gotten sucky, and it’s only going to get worse.
If you want to know the future of Reddit, look at Facebook.
What wil you do? Where will you go to browse?
Do you guys not have phones?
Same here. Reddit is going downhill real fast.
Reddit has been going downhill for a decade. The problem was that there were no viable alternatives. Now that /u/Spez has pushed the issue, he forced enough people into Lemmy that it is suddenly a viable alternative. I call that a win!
Yes. For the time being. Would love to see larger migration from reddit.
I’m quite large, and I’m here
This is the way
Yes, but
The site needs a ton of UX polishing to keep “lazy users” hooked (something I think it’s critical if you want to harvest as much users as possible from this fire). I feel like software developers tend to be more conscientious internet citizens that fight for their rights and seek independence, so I’m hoping that gives an influx of fixes/bug reports on lemmy’s github repo leading to stability, but maybe we also need to find ways to collaborate with front-end/brand design people (?)
No, unless at some point, most content is no longer about Reddit and Lemmy! Trying to give it a good chance for now.
I think it’s looking very promising. I’ll agree with others here that if the users come on, some of the bugs get worked out, and an Apollo like app gets created Id be happy to call this home.
I’ve been a serious Reddit user since the digg incident so it really is like the end of an era.
Also “a serious Reddit user since the digg incident” and won’t be going back. There are some communities I’ll miss, but I look forward to rebuilding them here.
Spez really really fucked up on this one. A few tweaks and mobile app with the same no-bullshit styles like narwhal, apollo, and RIF on android and this place wins every time
Same on all points, I was over there for 15 years because it wasn’t like that - that’s why we all left digg and also why we’re here. It got sucky
Agreed, and I hope so. But this “migration” from Reddit already happened before. Remember Voat? Very promising, but failed unfortunately. I hope Lemmy instances could support the massive incoming of Reddit users.
Faar less Nazis so far on lemmy, which was the main issue with Voat
The problem with that migration was its anti-censorship nature, which naturally led to bigots flooding voat. Here, it’s a sitewide protest against changes that hurt most power-users of the website, which means alternatives won’t just become political echo-chambers.
I want to. But in all honesty, it depends on how much of the communities I’m used to migrate here as well. Right now my typical reddit content is mostly missing here. It has potential, but like any other social media site, it depends on the community and the content. I’m hopeful though, I think reddit is in its final days either way.
It is like early Reddit. It is up to us to blaze the trails for those who come after.
Probably, if lemmy become searchable in generic search engine. The one thing that made reddit great is searching a keyword + reddit, and most likely you’ll find others who haved reviewed, discussed, fix, experience, what i’m searching before. So far can’t do it with lemmy.
I feel like I’ll only use reddit if I have specific questions for my more technical hobbies(ham radio, astrophotography, lockpicking, etc) I’ll ask over in the larger community subreddit there. Otherwise, for my daily browsing and time killing, I’m here.
the issue with that seems to be all of the separate instances not being indexed and backlinked enough on google. so eventually you’ll have to tell google <question> + lemmy + domain, and that’s not even taking into account lemmy instances that aren’t even called lemmy.
Worth noting this will naturally evolve as the userbase increases. Google will index wherever the most content is to be found. If that’s here, then more resources will go into crawling over here.
I’ll stay and hope it becomes my go-to Deddit replacement. I like the lack of karma, and the posts and comments seem of a higher quality.
yup. but wee need more feature like real polls.
I think so. It was hard to leave reddit at first, I didn’t realize how hooked into that ecosystem I was. Now that there are more people interacting with Lemmy and more communities popping up, I think I’ll continue to stick around. Lemmy does seem to be turning the corner from reddit bashing into its own environment, which is refreshing.
Lemmy seems promising, its rough around the edges and needs work, but so was Digg when I first joined and the same with Reddit. It seems like the Lemmy developers and the iOS developers (I’m sure the same with Android, but I only have iOS devices) are working hard on both bug fixes and quality of life updates, which is encouraging.
Slick interface. Text-heavy. OG Redditors.
I’ll stay for sure if it picks up.
I feel so let down by Reddit. I had two accounts with a combined Karma of 800k. I only posted original content. I posted thousands of comments. Reddit was an ingrained part of my daily life for years.
Then both accounts were permanently suspended immediately after I called out a bot phishing scam. Two appeals rejected. I was gutted. Still am.
Reddit is hedging everything on AI / LLM populating the entire site. Who needs human content creators anymore?
So, yeah. If Lemmy grows, I’ll be arguing, trolling, and jesting here for many years to come.
Definitely. I’ve gone all-in on the non-corp social media: Lemmy, Mastodon, Peertube, Pixelfed, so far. This is a refreshing experience. I know that what I am shown has nothing to do with an algorithm designed to keep me engaged and looking at ads. LOL Social media run by people in the society, not corporations, is the water I put my boat into.
undefined> Pixelfed
Just added Peertube and Pixelfed to my list of things to check out, thank you.
Yes, obviously.
I realized how much of a marketing cesspool Reddit has become once I left it. That along with the whole doom scrolling has been toxic to my mental health. So I am much better off without it.
That said, the fediverse seems to be a little too small especially for niche topics. Plus the this world still needs some tool/interface to unify it and make it easier to use. I still go back reddit once in a while for those niche communities but I have logged out for the first time in a decade+ from reddit.
I have started focusing on my hobbies more, the whole reddit fiasco has been a reminder that it is not just FB that is bad, it is everything including Reddit and in time possibly places like this if it grows.