I was writing up my problem set answers once, and it involved the (complex analysis) residue. I wasn’t sure if there was a shortcut (as opposed to
); googlinglatex residue
did not produce the search results I was hoping for…When I was learning to use Rust’s package manager, Cargo, I tried to man it from the command line. Cargo doesn’t have a man page, and googling my query only lead to shorts.
I once searched for ‘gimp latex’’ to see if i can typeset equations directly in the GNU Image Manipulation Program :D The first result was exactly what i was looking for.
This has happened to me more often than I can count
A larger portion of any given dungeon has used LaTeX than you probably think
I’m usually searching for women dressed in the material or for myself (hence username)… but occasionally the opposite and that gets so silly.
Luckily when I need to get right to business, I can search for "katex"and the associated typesetting command.
Where do I find this “course”. Asking for my self.
Hot singles in your area are offering LaTeX cheat sheets right now!!!
LaTeX … sheets, you say??
I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your “newsletter”
http://ftp.tug.org/ here you go, buddy.
I just came a little.
\newcommand{\came}[1]{\emph{#1}\kern 0.1em}
Taking the lay out of “Lay-Tech”.
I apologize, the lay was never in there to begin with. Only pain, only pubs.
Why do Brits say “rocking up”?
From the verb ‘rock’ meaning to move back and forth, and usually means arriving late or unannounced. It came from rock n roll in the 60s. Before that it was common to say ‘roll up’.
Oh weird, Americans stuck with the roll and Europeans went with the rock. 😂
Brits don’t like to be associated with the European rabble 😬
That’s not exclusively British.
No idea but I’m not British
Nearby? I’ve only heard it from people in that general region before.
Opposite hemisphere 🙃