Hey there!

I just published Voyager’s new promo site at https://getvoyager.app/. This site is intended to be an easy way to share the app with your friends and family. Let me know what you think! I’m hoping to roll out a couple more improvements to user onboarding soon™️, so stay tuned.

In other news, I hope you like the latest app update! ICYMI: the video player was significantly revamped, you can now upload videos (assuming lemmy instance support: keep reading…), and Android users can now long press links to preview the url, as well as for share/copy/open options.


Speaking of videos: If you’ve ever wondered why videos sometimes fail to play in iOS, it’s because many Lemmy instances are misconfigured. Please share this site I just published with your Lemmy admin to help debug issues: https://aeharding.github.io/lemmy-streaming Around 50% of instances are misconfigured 😳 so I really appreciate your help on getting the word out to admins! 🫡

  • SatyrSack@feddit.org
    5 days ago

    I think that is just one of the differences between the iOS and Android versions. I have all the gestures disabled in Voyager’s settings, but swiping does nothing.

    • bstix
      5 days ago

      Let me get this straight. You’ve disabled gestures in Android to use the buttons, but also want gestures for Android inside the app instead of the gestures that the app provides and instead of using the back button that you just deliberately summoned for that purpose?

      Okay it’s possible. I think you’d need to disable the gestures in the app, and then find a way to customize the Android system gestures to work how you want them. That is phone dependent.

      But. To be brutally honest: Learn to use the system edge gestures. It takes a day or two to get used to, but then you’ll never miss the buttons or get frustrated with apps that work as intended ny default. Surely this must also be an issue in all other apps that use on screen gestures.

      • SatyrSack@feddit.org
        5 days ago


        1. Android gesture navigation replaces the system back button with a swipe from the edge of the screen. This in itself causes an issue with apps that (since long before gesture navigation was introduced to Android) use an edge swipe gesture to activate an in-app feature. The first app that comes to mind as an example is Termux. Swiping in from the edge of the screen opens the side menu in the app. But with gesture navigation enabled, this same edge gesture instead triggers the system back button, closing the app. I have seen some third party Android skins offer an option to only trigger the back gesture when swiping from the bottom 50% of a side edge. In the case of Termux, swiping from the top 50% would then open the menu as expected. Alas, GrapheneOS does not have this option.
        2. Aside from this intrinsic issue, I also experience bugs in certain apps that are resolved by switching to 3-button navigation. From what I can tell, this might be fixed by these apps implementing newer/different Android APIs or something. I don’t know. I’m not an Android developer.
        3. Even with the previous issues resolved, system gesture navigation is all about swiping from the edge of the screen. What I want (and Thunder provides) is the ability to swipe from anywhere onscreen in order to go back. Sort of like swiping away a card. This is a behaviour that is only implemented at the app level.