What’s even worse is they all have the same invisible friend, it’s just their rules that are different. God, Allah, Jehovah, Jah, YHWH, whatever you wanna call him, all the same guy. But somehow all the rules about what you’re allowed to do and how you need to worship, those are all in different books written by different people at different periods in history.
I guess monotheistic religions just have in common that everyone believes in their own truth, and instead of accepting the differences, feel the need to go to war over it.
Maybe all those religions need to be banned, and only allow heno- or polytheistic ones. Especially the polytheistic religions seem much more exciting. But of course it is much more difficult to control the common folk with those.
It’s insane how many people have died because of arguments over who has the best Invisible Friend.
What’s even worse is they all have the same invisible friend, it’s just their rules that are different. God, Allah, Jehovah, Jah, YHWH, whatever you wanna call him, all the same guy. But somehow all the rules about what you’re allowed to do and how you need to worship, those are all in different books written by different people at different periods in history.
I guess monotheistic religions just have in common that everyone believes in their own truth, and instead of accepting the differences, feel the need to go to war over it.
Maybe all those religions need to be banned, and only allow heno- or polytheistic ones. Especially the polytheistic religions seem much more exciting. But of course it is much more difficult to control the common folk with those.