I don’t see the point in doing men’s vs women’s clothing sizes. Surely there’s a big enough variance in size and shape between individuals that it would be more useful to size based off of measurements of body shape?

Take shoes for example. Why is a uk men’s size 10 so wildly different from a UK women’s size 10?

All it seems to achieve is making shopping for clothes difficult for anyone that doesn’t fit into the expected body shape for their gender and make it hard to find well fitting clothes outside of specialist shops.

  • IronKrill@lemmy.ca
    17 hours ago

    I just wish there wasn’t so much guesstimating required. I stopped growing a while back and yet I’ve fit an 11, 11.5, and 11W, depending on the shoe. I wish it was a bit more standardised based on length and width. I’ve never shopped online for shoes because I know they probably won’t fit right!