And old guys like me. Did you see what that fucking hurricane to to WNC? It fucked up everything.
Haha come on, I’m a millennial on the wrong side of 35, and climate change is just one of the things fueling my mental health crisis. SMH filthy casuals.
Give them a break, they’re young ! You have 20 years of cynism over them
people who have no future are depressed?!?
people who’ve had their future ripped away from them, thrown out in the street, and repeatedly run over
To be fair, this started with millennials. We’ve known we’re fucked for many years now. But we didn’t grow up with it the same way that these kids did. We thought we had a future for a little while.
I’m from 1980. I’m glad I don’t have children. I hope I can avoid the water wars, but I’m not sure I’ll choose to stay around long enough to see Hayley’s Comet again. I don’t think the collapse of global society (including, but not limited to the Internet) is eminent, but it does seem damn-near unavoidable: We need to act globally soon, and convincing/replacing current global leadership seems like it will take too long.
Not just adolescents.
yeah no shit. we owe them better than this. it’s time we step up and fix the world
From our mobile phones? The truth is there is very little most of us can do.
I’ll take [action for slim chance of success] over [inaction for guaranteed failure] every time.
This is exactly an argument Kohei Saito makes in his book Degrowth - even if we know the odds are slim, do we not have a moral imperative to try while we still can?