The tool, which is able to cut lines at depths of up to 4,000 metres (13,123 feet) – twice the maximum operational range of existing subsea communication infrastructure – has been designed specifically for integration with China’s advanced crewed and uncrewed submersibles like the Fendouzhe, or Striver, and the Haidou series.
It’s give and take. China is smart enough to invest in its country and its people. They’re making great scientific and technical advances that’s on a course that will surpass the west in many areas. The individual rights and freedoms are terrible though to the point where unsanctioned creativity is punished.
The whole country is dystopian. But agree there are smart people. They are just used for doing/inventing awful stuff.
They are playing the long game and are currently the only ones benefiting from all that happens. They sit by idly watching our idiot leaders antagonise each other.
Lmao people will say this same shit about the us in 8 years when all the rights have been stripped and it’s run by tech bros
Yes. In many ways, China is exactly what Republicans wet dream about. A single party runs unopposed controlling all elements of government. Criticizing them is illegal. All businesses are protected by the government from uppity customers. Employees are expected to work 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 days a week for few benefits with almost no workers rights…
It’s the Republican dream.
You know as much about china as dolphins do about integrated circuits.
This entire website is heavily propagandized about China I’ve noticed. It really sucks that you just can’t seem to have a normal conversation about China anywhere in the internet without propagandized freaks shouting at you that it the worst country that has ever existed