When a child dies because of them, I wouldn’t think a parent is ready for deep introspection and admitting the terrible mistake. Mental gymnastics are to be expected, it’s the mind’s self defence. Perhaps after some years…
And the rest of the faceless people are fine with that if it means that the lives of others who they don’t like are ruined. They gain satisfaction of if the misery of others, even if it causes them misery too. It’s toxic mental illness at its worst.
Sure, the people missing faces are upset but what you need to understand is the people that still have faces don’t care.
And a lot of faceless people are also making excuses about how they never wanted to have faces in the first place, and it’s good that they’re gone.
Like the guy whose daughter died of measels. He said it was God’s will. God created measles. God allowed the disease to take his daughter’s life.
I knew that there would be people like this, but it’s still hard to grasp.
When a child dies because of them, I wouldn’t think a parent is ready for deep introspection and admitting the terrible mistake. Mental gymnastics are to be expected, it’s the mind’s self defence. Perhaps after some years…
And the rest of the faceless people are fine with that if it means that the lives of others who they don’t like are ruined. They gain satisfaction of if the misery of others, even if it causes them misery too. It’s toxic mental illness at its worst.
Its written across many books in the Bible to not test God, he will not protect you from your own stupidity.
So, RFK is literally Jesus for preaching God’s will that kids must die from measles? 🤔
It never means anything until it effects them personally. Their family, their friends. Until then it’s nothing.
We really are dealing with people who do not have empathy.
Oh, it’s not even that, they do possess empathy. You’re just not a person to them more of a faceless blob at best and a insect at the other end.