The European Union will create a common set of procedures for migrant deportations. It has also proposed to create "return hubs" as part of a controversial plan to deport rejected asylum seekers to third countries.
It was meant as a sincere question with a cynical undertone. Dumping “unwanteds” is obviously horrible, but I understood part of the definition of concentration camp to be a place where people of disrepute with the authoritarians in power are interred for various hideous purposes. Not a place where people are deported to, and are then free to leave (except in the direction they were just brought from).
definition of concentration camp to be a place where people of disrepute with the authoritarians in power are interred for various hideous purposes.
I mean that checks out. EU countries barely if even have any kind of democratic mandate, a lot of real power in EU is held by bureocrats with little or zero accountability to peoples of Europe, and i would say that kicking out the refugees asking for asylum back to countries which are devastated/exploited in large part by Europeans, and where they would most likely face at least crushing poverty and at worst oppresion by regimes (Syria is pretty huge case) is pretty fucking hideous.
I have no idea if your comment is sarcastic or not, but those aren’t only concentration camps, they are outsourced concentration camps:
It was meant as a sincere question with a cynical undertone. Dumping “unwanteds” is obviously horrible, but I understood part of the definition of concentration camp to be a place where people of disrepute with the authoritarians in power are interred for various hideous purposes. Not a place where people are deported to, and are then free to leave (except in the direction they were just brought from).
I mean that checks out. EU countries barely if even have any kind of democratic mandate, a lot of real power in EU is held by bureocrats with little or zero accountability to peoples of Europe, and i would say that kicking out the refugees asking for asylum back to countries which are devastated/exploited in large part by Europeans, and where they would most likely face at least crushing poverty and at worst oppresion by regimes (Syria is pretty huge case) is pretty fucking hideous.