Another local castle.
Built in 1635-38 as a renaissance castle in Kristian IV-style by Malte Juul, expanded and modernized in the 1780’s by “Bygge-Hans” (Hans the builder, Hans Ramel). Bygge-Hans also had Höge Väg (High Road) built, a 1.3km long even road through the undulating landscape. Höge Väg took 50 years to build and every day the laborers on the estate had to carry one stone for the road. This led to them having said Vore inte herreman galen, så hade ej fattigman bröd, If the master weren’t mad, the poor man wouldn’t have bread (my translation).
The park is open for visits April to October but the castle itself is private property, currently owned by the Palmsteirna family.
Website: (only in Swedish?)