I used to swear a lot. I decided to not swear at all (except for possibly mild swears), instead replacing most swears with minced oaths.
My family is Christian and I would get yelled at for swearing even if it just slipped out. So far, I don’t swear unless I’m feeling a strong emotion or acting impulsively, but I’ll usually say things like “F/eff” or “fudge” instead of the F-word.
I like to be “creative”, so my go-tos are usually “Go fudge yourself”, or “What the cluck?”
I might say “mother lover” instead of MF
I think swearing is good if not overused.
I’ve heard studies show that people who swear are trusted more, something about them coming across more open and genuine.
I agree, I save my good swears for special occasions.
I’ve considered removing or at least reducing swearing in my common language usage, but I don’t consider it enough to just replace swearing with placeholder words. “What the fudge” doesn’t work, in my mind, because it is still clear to everybody what my brain was trying to say before my resolution not to swear intervened. “What on earth are you talking about?” Much better.
I kind of realised through running that through to its end that what my issue was, with swearing, was lazy use of language. So I still swear, but I try not to lean on the words as crutches.
Where this puts me, language usage-wise, is in a position where I’m using swearing as a tool to accentuate my meaning or express emotion succinctly, since I don’t swear as often it carries more weight.
For instance, my high school bully was a reprehensible human being but Donald Trump is a worthless fucking cunt.
I swore for emphasis in a job interview and got the job! It was definitely a risk but they received the message I was trying to convey so it worked.
Swearing is brilliant if you smash your thumb with a hammer, or break something expensive. If you swear all the time in normal conversation you don’t have any special words left to use when those things I mentioned happen.
Shouting “asparagus” is just as good, neurologically. It’s the action that matters, not the word.
My favourite is to exclaim “Shut the front door!” in conversation.
I disagree. Swearing a useful expressive tool.
Just don’t overuse it and know situations where it’s best not used.
I do not understand the reason for swearing being considered bad.
I do not understand why replacement words are better.
If it were the specific sounds being made that are wrong, replacement words would make sense. However, since other languages have no prohibition on these words and may have words that sound the same/similar to swear words in another language.
If the meaning behind the words was the ‘bad’ part, then replacing those word with other words that express the same idea would be just as wrong.
Who determines which words are bad? If it’s a cultural thing I guess it makes sense but a person is fickle and groups of them even more so. I still don’t understand why a group would prohibit specific words but not their meanings (barring superstition, like in the case of the origin of word “bear”). If it were a deity of some kind, it makes me return to the question why specific words in specific languages but not the meaning and intent behind those words.
I’m decently sure profanity became known as such because of either religious reasons or class division (along the lines of peasants vs nobles from early/medieval europe) and it just became commonplace.
I would say profanity nowadays though is a lot less taboo. It’s been normalized in culture (hip hop, city culture, punk subculture) and a lot of people are less religious nowadays.
I don’t know about that, MOTHER LOVER DOOM just doesn’t hit right.
If you’re using direct replacement words and the sentiment is the same, what’s the point?
There are no bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions, and wooooords.
– George Carlin
Fuck no! I always found it funny how communities find specific words offensive and look down upon people that use them. Context is important, of course, but the vast majority of cases I witness people swearing are non malicious in nature. (Don’t get me wrong, there are absolutely words/phrases I will never say; again, context is key here)
Coming up with alternative words for the same intent is super silly to me, too. The individual makes it very clear they are aware of the “rules” and are making an asserted attempt to sidestep them. Why bother with all that effort and not simply use the intended word instead?
Right, it’s the intent and context of the word that could be offensive, not the word itself. Using substitutes doesn’t change how you’re conveying your emotions.
Besides, OP, do you think Jesus wasn’t swearing when he was overturning the money changers tables in the tabernacle? He was clearly PISSED. He was definitely rebuking them, same difference.
Swearing isn’t sinful, it’s what you’re cursing/being hateful about that could be.
Now, if you’re intentionally not swearing due to a personal choice or by virtue of being intentionally different to not be like the culture you’re in then that’s different.
I don’t have a thing against swearing but I do sometimes say heck instead of fuck
Mixing it up can be fun. “Gosh fucking darn it” usually gets some sideways looks.
I play it the other way. I’m pretty polite and well spoken most of the time, so when I bust out with “You cock gobbling rotten foetus fucker” it usually gets a good response.
I’m trying not to curse but when you fix things for a living you curse a lot.
Forking shirtballs, The Good Place has the best replacement words.
Fuck, which becomes Fork. Shit, which becomes Shirt. Bitch, which becomes Bench. Ass, which becomes Ash. Dick, which becomes Deck. Cock, which becomes Cork.
I forking love this
On those last two, watch this old ad
High quality stuff
I don’t exactly talk like a sailor but I don’t censor myself either. I think swearing is much less of a big deal in my culture than it seems to be in conservative America. For example, bleeped-out words on TV or radio are not a thing here. I have not and will never use any “replacement words”, those just seem forced and silly to me.
Oh nice! That makes sense. My grandfather and dad are conservative, so I think it’s kind of a force of habit to me