So I’ve been running like a mile each day for 3 days out of the week. But I’ve laid it off since I’ve been getting a lot of plantar fascitis, knee pain, and pain around my shins.

I’m not even that old. I’m very confused, maybe there are some exercises I can do? Went to a running shoe store and they recommended me some more cushioning shoes like a glycerin gts 22.

Any tips, recommendations, comments, or suggestions would be appreciated.

    2 days ago

    First of all, well done in getting out there.

    Secondly, plantar, knee, shin, hip, calf pain comes to me as well whenever I change new shoes, run hard on new surfaces, run hard on up/downslopes and trail, or pretty much change anything.

    So my tip would be to vary the surfaces, vary between easy and easier until you’re comfortable, listen to your body, no shame in walking.

    YouTube offers simple exercises to stretch different pain areas when you’re at home.

    (I’ve been running for more than 15 years)