So I’ve been running like a mile each day for 3 days out of the week. But I’ve laid it off since I’ve been getting a lot of plantar fascitis, knee pain, and pain around my shins.

I’m not even that old. I’m very confused, maybe there are some exercises I can do? Went to a running shoe store and they recommended me some more cushioning shoes like a glycerin gts 22.

Any tips, recommendations, comments, or suggestions would be appreciated.

    5 days ago

    Typically taking shorter steps leads to more steps per minute aka cadence. It’s s better for your running form and easier on your body. Most things I have read say 170-180 steps per minute. Some running apps will have a cadence tracker or audible sound to follow.

    Edit: You could also try a metronome app set to 170 beats per minute and try to match that. I think my natural cadence is around 162 so you may want to find what’s best for you.