You have to be a special kind of idiot to vote for Republicans thinking they are going to manage the economy well.
I know people like to say “but that’s not real” - but until Bronzo the Clown started up, we had an economy with a lot of great indicators. Biden had a lot to deal with during covid and the aftermath, but compared to many other countries, our metrics were quite good.
If you look back at US history, it’s mostly Republican presidents fucking the economy, then a democratic president putting things back in order, leaving a good economy only to be followed by a Republican president who then goes to tank it.
Also US history: every election Republicans are boasting about the economy they received from a democratic president, but act as if it’s all their work, and complain about how horrible economies democratic presidents received, acting as that was somehow the fault of a Republican president
Yes, very true. It’s why I keep wondering just what the hell people are talking about when they castigate Biden/Kamala so much for the economy. All economic indicators were going in the right direction after the massive disruption caused by Covid and by donvict’s terrible handling of it. It is unclear just what people expected him and Kamala to do and say about the economy? Were they supposed to lie and say the economy was NOT good? People on the left act like it was the worstest thing ever to say the economy was actually good, while they insist it was awful for everyone but the very rich. Compared to what point in time?
Do I wish he could have gone further leftist/populist on things? Of course. Do I think that he would have been able to actually do any of that, given the obstruction from qons? Of course not.
I mean you can say that, but were houses/rent getting cheaper? Were median wages rising? The cost of groceries was actually falling slightly, but still way higher than a year ago
Yes, the numbers are worse and so is everything else. There’s some amount of correlation, but when everything crashes in the coming months that won’t prove the metrics are accurate…
The metrics will crash when our economy does, but that doesn’t prove they’re good metrics
You have to be a special kind of idiot to vote for Republicans thinking they are going to manage the economy well.
I know people like to say “but that’s not real” - but until Bronzo the Clown started up, we had an economy with a lot of great indicators. Biden had a lot to deal with during covid and the aftermath, but compared to many other countries, our metrics were quite good.
If you look back at US history, it’s mostly Republican presidents fucking the economy, then a democratic president putting things back in order, leaving a good economy only to be followed by a Republican president who then goes to tank it.
Also US history: every election Republicans are boasting about the economy they received from a democratic president, but act as if it’s all their work, and complain about how horrible economies democratic presidents received, acting as that was somehow the fault of a Republican president
Yes, very true. It’s why I keep wondering just what the hell people are talking about when they castigate Biden/Kamala so much for the economy. All economic indicators were going in the right direction after the massive disruption caused by Covid and by donvict’s terrible handling of it. It is unclear just what people expected him and Kamala to do and say about the economy? Were they supposed to lie and say the economy was NOT good? People on the left act like it was the worstest thing ever to say the economy was actually good, while they insist it was awful for everyone but the very rich. Compared to what point in time?
Do I wish he could have gone further leftist/populist on things? Of course. Do I think that he would have been able to actually do any of that, given the obstruction from qons? Of course not.
I mean the metrics were good, for rich people
Now it’s just worse for everyone, although the rich will get even more after they buy up everything once we’re in full recession
The metrics were actually good across the board and the direction was good on all metrics. Not only for rich people.
Having Bronzo back will highlight just how good it actually was.
I mean you can say that, but were houses/rent getting cheaper? Were median wages rising? The cost of groceries was actually falling slightly, but still way higher than a year ago
Yes, the numbers are worse and so is everything else. There’s some amount of correlation, but when everything crashes in the coming months that won’t prove the metrics are accurate…
The metrics will crash when our economy does, but that doesn’t prove they’re good metrics