So far I’ve cancelled Netflix, Amazon, Norton, switched browsers to Vivaldi, switched email to Tutamail, and only purchased non-american items. I’m still going through the de-google list.
It’s a lot of work, but I’m not knowingly giving the american economy a cent of my money.
Tell us what you’re changing, maybe it’ll give us some ideas.
Not travelling to the USA this year anymore, cancelled disney+ and prime. I’m now actively looking for what is Canadian made and I’m buying what doesn’t exist as Canadian made from Canadian retailers instead of US owned megacorps.
These days when I’m shopping for anything: if it’s not a Canadian product, then it’s Mexico, Peru, etc. I’ve cancelled Netflix and Amazon. It’s just Crave and CBC gem atm.
I’m boosting CBC content over Murdoch slop and scrape-paste journalism wherever I can.
Some intentional behavioural changes too. Because I think boycotting America is also about deprogramming myself a bit.
Lifelong athiest, but I’ve started keeping a Sabbath. From sundown to sundown once a week, everything (except the fridge, stove, freezer and my alarm clock from the 1980s) gets turned off and unplugged. Including power cords. [Highly recommend - there’s less static in the house and the cats are pleased.]
In my own neighbourhood, I see some white supremacists and fundies getting louder and prouder since Trump’s second kick at the can. So, I make sure when I’m in public (I try) to stay calm and ready to step in. And I stay friendly. Nobody needs to be dealing with more bad vibes from random people in public.
[edit bc I wrote my diary on the internet for no good reason and need to take my own username advice for a bit]