Google didn't tell Android users much about Android System SafetyCore before it hit their phones, and people are unhappy. Fortunately, you're not stuck with it.
Edit: I suggest using obtainium so that if the app gets any new releases or updates you can easily get notifications and manage that. I also originally submitted a bad json code snippet which I have corrected and tested.
After deleting googles safetycore, do the following to ensure Google doesn’t reinstall it.
it might take some messing with Obtainiums settings to ensure that the latest version of the saftycore placeholder is installed so here is an export of my settings just for this app. Just copy the text and save it as a json to import the settings.
{"apps":[{"id":"","url":"","author":"daboynb","name":"","installedVersion":"v3.0","latestVersion":"v3.0","apkUrls":"[[\"Safetycore-placeholder.apk\",\""]]","otherAssetUrls":"[[\"v3.0.tar.gz\",\""],[\"\",\""]]","preferredApkIndex":0,"additionalSettings":"{\"includePrereleases\":false,\"fallbackToOlderReleases\":false,\"filterReleaseTitlesByRegEx\":\"\",\"filterReleaseNotesByRegEx\":\"\",\"verifyLatestTag\":true,\"dontSortReleasesList\":false,\"useLatestAssetDateAsReleaseDate\":true,\"releaseTitleAsVersion\":true,\"trackOnly\":false,\"versionExtractionRegEx\":\"\",\"matchGroupToUse\":\"\",\"versionDetection\":false,\"releaseDateAsVersion\":false,\"useVersionCodeAsOSVersion\":true,\"apkFilterRegEx\":\"\",\"invertAPKFilter\":false,\"autoApkFilterByArch\":true,\"appName\":\"\",\"appAuthor\":\"\",\"shizukuPretendToBeGooglePlay\":false,\"allowInsecure\":false,\"exemptFromBackgroundUpdates\":false,\"skipUpdateNotifications\":false,\"about\":\"\",\"refreshBeforeDownload\":true}","lastUpdateCheck":1740803687541492,"pinned":false,"categories":[],"releaseDate":1740416435000000,"changeLog":"This release is signed, you need to uninstall the previuos version.","overrideSource":null,"allowIdChange":false}]}
I didn’t use a validator, formatter or prettifyer since I just copied and pasted the json that obtainium exported. I was able to import it onto my work profiles obtainium using the exact data posted in the code snippet however. I wouldn’t mind seeing a diff to know what the difference is since it looks the same to me too. I’m not sure why your getting the error, I’ll just screen shot the settings.
Yeah, I only used the validator to find the error after Obtanium said “Invalid input”. I don’t know what the deal is. Thanks for the screenshots! I’ll try it tomorrow.
Edit: I suggest using obtainium so that if the app gets any new releases or updates you can easily get notifications and manage that. I also originally submitted a bad json code snippet which I have corrected and tested.
After deleting googles safetycore, do the following to ensure Google doesn’t reinstall it.
it might take some messing with Obtainiums settings to ensure that the latest version of the saftycore placeholder is installed so here is an export of my settings just for this app. Just copy the text and save it as a json to import the settings.
{"apps":[{"id":"","url":"","author":"daboynb","name":"","installedVersion":"v3.0","latestVersion":"v3.0","apkUrls":"[[\"Safetycore-placeholder.apk\",\""]]","otherAssetUrls":"[[\"v3.0.tar.gz\",\""],[\"\",\""]]","preferredApkIndex":0,"additionalSettings":"{\"includePrereleases\":false,\"fallbackToOlderReleases\":false,\"filterReleaseTitlesByRegEx\":\"\",\"filterReleaseNotesByRegEx\":\"\",\"verifyLatestTag\":true,\"dontSortReleasesList\":false,\"useLatestAssetDateAsReleaseDate\":true,\"releaseTitleAsVersion\":true,\"trackOnly\":false,\"versionExtractionRegEx\":\"\",\"matchGroupToUse\":\"\",\"versionDetection\":false,\"releaseDateAsVersion\":false,\"useVersionCodeAsOSVersion\":true,\"apkFilterRegEx\":\"\",\"invertAPKFilter\":false,\"autoApkFilterByArch\":true,\"appName\":\"\",\"appAuthor\":\"\",\"shizukuPretendToBeGooglePlay\":false,\"allowInsecure\":false,\"exemptFromBackgroundUpdates\":false,\"skipUpdateNotifications\":false,\"about\":\"\",\"refreshBeforeDownload\":true}","lastUpdateCheck":1740803687541492,"pinned":false,"categories":[],"releaseDate":1740416435000000,"changeLog":"This release is signed, you need to uninstall the previuos version.","overrideSource":null,"allowIdChange":false}]}
Why would obtainium be needed instead of installing the apk directly?
Oh yes you can install directly. Obtainium will install help with upgrading to new versions however as they get released.
You can install it directly, I have.
This doesn’t load in Obtainium, and trying to validate the json gets the error below.
It looks like the value should be a simple list of strings, but everything is escaped and it has double square brackets, and it’s enclosed in quotes.
Thanks, I’m on a phone and must have done something wrong but just fixed it, tested it this time and edited the original. It should work now.
It looks the same to me, and I get the exact same error trying to use a validator/formator.
I didn’t use a validator, formatter or prettifyer since I just copied and pasted the json that obtainium exported. I was able to import it onto my work profiles obtainium using the exact data posted in the code snippet however. I wouldn’t mind seeing a diff to know what the difference is since it looks the same to me too. I’m not sure why your getting the error, I’ll just screen shot the settings.
Yeah, I only used the validator to find the error after Obtanium said “Invalid input”. I don’t know what the deal is. Thanks for the screenshots! I’ll try it tomorrow.