Get involved with anyone who is organizing acts of resistance, however small. There is a very real danger that your democracy isn’t going to make it to the midterms if no one acts now.
Small acts of resistance build bigger acts of resistance, and getting involved builds networks. You need to get plugged in to the people who are trying to do anything, even the small stuff, because they’re the people who will be calling you up when it comes to the big stuff.
Absolutely agree.
However. We have a voting system right now. We have political parties right now. If we don’t have our ducks in a row in a relatively short amount of time, we’ll be letting trump win again when our chance comes up once more.
We have a voting system right now.
In two years time we likely will not.
We have political parties right now.
In the same sense that we still had a Titanic while its stern was hundreds of feet in the air.
You are playing yesterday’s game. You need to recognize the dire danger in front of you, and prepare and act accordingly.
I disagree, which is why I’m interested to hear what “today’s game” consists of.
You’re saying “resistance demonstrations”, right. Is that it?
You need to look at what has successfully caused the overthrow of dictators over the centuries, consider what tools and options you have available to you and act accordingly.
Given Agent Orange is speed running through the Hitler playbook for removing democratic institutions I agree with the other poster, it is near enough certain that the mid terms won’t be free&fair. They will definitely be rigged.
Your chance of fixing this at the ballotbox is near enough zero. You need to look at what has worked (Maidan revolution for example) and what didn’t work (resistance in Germany to Hitler) then decide on what you can do.
If you elect to pin your hopes on a democratic resolution to a fascist dictator you will be disappointed.
Okay but do you have any suggestions other than “do research”.
Cause I’m pretty sure that’s not going to work in any scaled way, like voting would.
So far the people who don’t seem to be onboard with preparing for midterms have suggested:
- Look up what’s worked in history and try that
- resistance demonstrations
neither of those seem particularly well-formed or understood. So I’m back to saying we should prepare for the midterms unless someone can elaborate.
So basically you’re too lazy to do a bit of reading and make a plan ? You want someone to lay it out for you ?
Either take control of your life or don’t whine that “nobody told me” when you get sent to a camp.
Continuing to do what is proven not to work is insanity. “Maybe this time it will work”
I’m not am American, I’m not going to tell you what the right course of action is, nor am I about to do your planning for you.
Are you looking to change this or just to be able to say “well I tried” after putting in limited ineffectual effort ?
Be aware, all the passive political campaigners in Germany ended up in camps or shot. It’s not the “safe” option you seem to think it is
I’m not am American
No fucking shit. I wondered if the useless suggestions were an artifact of ignorant self-righteousness.
So basically you’re too lazy to do a bit of reading and make a plan ? You want someone to lay it out for you ?
What country are you from.
What an awful format. A half-assed screenshot of a low quality image sent via some messenger.
Here’s a better copy
Steady on, then.
I’m perplexed and terrified that so many US Americans are still expecting democratic structures to fix this. If (and that’s a big IF) the world makes it to the US mid-terms, do you really think it will go down as usual? What makes you think that? What makes you think you can wait for two years and then this will be suddenly better it over? The likelihood of successfully stopping this will only shrink from now on. Fast.
I’m perplexed and terrified that so many US Americans are still expecting democratic structures to fix this.
Okay, what do you suggest? If by “democratic structures” you mean the voting system, I do expect it to fix this because that’s how it works.
If you’re saying everything’s over, it’s all bullets and bombs from here (or whatever it is you’re saying - I don’t know what that is) then what’s the plan?
I think in this video are some good ideas that are still within the democratic range, but call for a political revolution:
However, if these fail too, someone has to stop him at some point. The US political system has failed. It provided a criminal, mentally unstable moron with the power and tools to end the world as we know it. And he’s well under way, I might add. At this point I don’t think anything should be off the table. It’d be insane to let someone start WWIII just bc he has been given formal power and “there’s nothing we can do”. Of course things can be done. At the end of the day presidents are made-up constructs that can and should be terminated if that’s what’s needed to save millions of lives. The US need a new system anyway after this. So they might as well terminate it now. How this will look like? I don’t know. I’ve never started a revolution, but happy to support if needed. But, first and foremost the people of the US have to take charge of course.
The longer people remain in denial about the reality of the situation, the harder it gets to fight it.
I may or may not be in denial about the “reality fo the situation” - could you kind of spell it out for me?
If by “democratic structures” you mean the voting system, I do expect it to fix this because that’s how it works.
Well just one (of many) point of interest: Trump just took over the FEC.
Seeing as the FEC has historically had the import of a stale fart, good for him I guess? What do you think he’ll do with it?
I dunno… maybe we need to withhold our votes from the democrats again to keep teaching them a lesson.
Lol, I know you are probably being sarcastic, but I can’t be sure because some people are actually saying this
Yeah, they’re being idiotic.
That is clearly some people’s position.
aren’t midterms in like 2 years?
One Year and Nine Months for the election
But the actual beginning of the next congressional term is One Year and Eleven Months
Indeed. Seeing as there’s this much disagreement 2 years out, I’m suggesting we might want to get a plan together post haste.
- find your candidate
- make the case for them
That’s the starting point. If someone wants to disagree, with a “democracy is over man, it’s over man” they’ll have to figure out their own plan and make a case for it.
The last month has been so fucking long that when I read that my first thought was “oh thank God, it’s finally midterms”
Midterms… more like Mid
LifeConstitutional Crisis…🫣
… ok, but the og quote is about the near and absolutely inevitable death … so while qewl I think it has misfortune pessimistic undertones (I’m not saying that’s inaccurate tho).
It . . is taken from the famous Dylan Thomas poem “Do not go gentle into that good night”, which is about death, yes. But I thought the word changes made it more relevant to politics, not really a doom-y thing. Just, like, catchy.
Yes, I’m def not denying that!
I just noted what my immediate association was - that it is about making the most of a hopeless situation without changing the result, just ones dignity & resolve before that inevitable, same, unchanged result (in contrast with elections very much being about the result and change after/because of that).Don’t think anything of it, it’s just me.