• lordnikon@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    So even that is a misnomer tree only capture it temporarily when they die and rot or worse catch fire they release it again. You would have to grow the tree real big then chop it down then bury it really deep to get that carbon out of the cycle.

      • lordnikon@lemmy.world
        22 days ago

        Yeah but it does nothing to help off set what we humans have done that’s why it’s a temporary sink. People say oil is dinosaurs that is also is incorrect its plants frome billions of years ago that has been compressed but not changed like ice at the bottoms of glaciers.

        This takes millions of years for this kind of long term sync to take hold. So once the genie is out. You can’t put it back in the bottle. That’s why carbon capture is snake oil and any real technology we find is basically magic to do it at scale. It would be easier to send it in to space with spaces elevators that’s the level of tech gap we would need to cross for carbon capture to work.

        The only chance we had was stop putting a single gram more of carbon into the environment and have humanity adapt to the new normal. But also that ship sailed about 20 years ago. Now we are on start of the cascade that will super heat the earth. That will take 100’s of millions of years to fix.

        Even if we stopped all man made CO2 tomorrow the ice caps will melt releasing methane into the atmosphere this will then keep warming the planet releasing more glacial ice and more methane and so on and so on. This will also create more acid rain. Oh and did I mention the gulf stream is changing right now and will even halt at some point causing even more polar water to heat up and melt. It’s a fly wheel that keeps spinning even when you don’t give it more power.

        Maybe some deep deep water fish have a chance to survive but any land mamals not a chance in the long run. Bacteria maybe at the surface they may give life another chance to try again in our solar system.

        Oh and for the billionaires thinking they will just ride this out for a little while in their bunkers. while the poors die. No mater how much money you throw at the problem you can’t dig a hole deep enough store enough food and water long enough to ride this out. You will die in a hole ether shot by your security staff or poisoned on your own water supply. Remember that whole ground watter becoming acidic.

        Also the pressure of all that atmosphere going on outside. Humans can only live for any length of time in about max 4 times normal pressure and that requires they breath helium to offset the nitrogen poisoning and we have tech ways of making high pressure in a lower pressure environment but not low pressure in a high one. Boil a soda can on your stove and out it in cold water to see what happens. So all that silo, paradise is just fantasy frames to tell a good story and have no basis in reality.

        And remember this is if we start tomorrow and snap our fingers all carbon production stops but we are not doing that we are now accelerating and can’t do anything about it till the fascist are gone.

        Note with all that said I want to be the first person to be proven wrong. I will be so happy if we can makes it out of this and all the research is wrong.

        Note some of the research was but in the wrong way it’s showing it’s accelerating faster than they thought like how we already hit 1.5C that was not ment to happen till 2030.

        I don’t want to be a doomer I love humanity for all the good things it can be. But I can see the evidence and I want humanity to know what it’s in for so they can charish the time it has left.

        • sik0fewl@lemmy.ca
          22 days ago

          I still thinking we should stop destroying rain forests and start restoring them.

          Edit: but I’m aware that won’t be enough to save us.

          • lordnikon@lemmy.world
            22 days ago

            Oh 100% we should do everything we can. It won’t save us but it will make it slightly better as we make the fall and save 1000s years of recovery for the planet. For every gram of carbon we stop from being released it’s a slightly cooler day. It may be the difference between 48C and 47C but people living 48C temps will welcome any relief they can get.

            Hell even if those trees are temporary that temporary could buy us a year or two between different stages of collapse. A year or two with food production collapse but still breathable air will be charished.

            All I’m saying is two things. Do your best to make things better in any way you can and be kind. When the collapse gets worse. Your family is your life blood and your neighbors become family.

            Create community networks use your time helping that community in any way you can be it local food growth or storage like canning etc.

            I just want people to come to terms with the diagnosis. Stop thinking some guy is going to create this magic machine to fix the problem or that the governments of the world are going to fix it they are not.

            Create a Bucket List try to do some of those things while you can. Make it a priority not in the next 5 years more like this or next year. Hug your love ones extra long and take a moment to remember how it feels when you hug them.

            What would you do if a doctor told you that you have 5 years to live? Whatever that is do it. Sooner rather than later while you still have a chance. If I’m wrong worse is you lived life to the fullest and enjoyed your family and did some good. If I’m right you will charish those memories while you endure a lot of suffering.

      • monogram@feddit.nl
        21 days ago

        Not only that but plants also improve (feed) the amount of life in the ground (remember life = carbon)

        It is not a balance but a net gain in carbon sequestered.