Problem: Damn! There are a hundred places to try and find a manual you’re looking for!
Idea: Let’s create a single place where we collect all the manuals!
Conclusion: There are now a hundred and one places to try and find a manual you’re looking for.
(also not to discourage any such efforts, especially to such an openly accessible place like
I suspect all the manual wardens are actually harvesting then focusing their effort on getting a high search rank. Notice if you expand’s filters, there is a subject preset for manualzilla and manualzz. So when liberating a manual, it also feeds the baddies. But nothing we can do on that.
I’ll probably change my habits to search first, before using a web search.
I have particular seething hatred for Scribd. That site needs to die in a fire (after all of its jailed manuals are liberated, of course ;) )