I upgraded to this guy from the neo v2, and he is a beast in comparison. There isn’t a premade profile on prusa for it though, so I made one using the neo as a base. Currently have the speed set to 150 mm/s and 1800 mm/s accel but was wondering what kind of speeds y’all are getting while still having consistent quality

  • @Grippler
    15 days ago

    The official marlin-based firmware also “only” goes up to something like 200mm/s and 3000mm/s^2 for my model, but I’ve flashed klipper on it which has given me more control so I wasn’t constrained by the limitations set by the manufacturer in the firmware.

    I was able to push it to 500mm/s print speed and 11000mm/s^2 accelerations, but small details started to suffer and I was getting too much ringing. For simple large prints I still use it though if I need a quick-ish prototype.

    • 0xd34d
      215 days ago

      Surely that wasn’t with the stock hot end though. I’ve done 400 mm/s at 12k mm/s² but I only achieved enough flow after upgrading to a KE style hot end Proof

      • @Grippler
        15 days ago

        Using a V6 style hot end with 0.2MM brass CHT nozzle. According to the flow test method CNC kitchen uses I max out around 54mm^3/s @220°C. I can only print that fast on larger prints though because my cooling can’t keep up on small prints.