In the few short hours since I started using #Threads, #DuckDuckGo has already blocked over 200 data tracking attempts. These include things like “headphone status” and “screen density.”

    11 year ago

    I do have a Twitter account but I almost never use it anymore because it has become such a cesspool…

    I just don’t think another copy of that cesspool run by a different asshole is likely to really be any more interesting than the original.

      01 year ago

      I did have an account, until the API changes made Twitteriffic unusable and all the people I follow left. Then I started using Reddit.

      Now I use Mastodon and Lemmy. I will not go back to using a Social network that does not have; A) an open API which allows my choice of third party apps. B) a way to migrate my data and content.

      The exceptions are Apple Messages (for family and close friends), SMS (for family and close friends who do t have iPhones) and Facebook under a fake name, sandboxed in FireFox Focus.