There are no arrows, no obvious pins, no pin latches. This band is different than all of the ones I’ve ever sized. Does anyone know how to remove links from this band?

Edit: user Septimaeus was correct in that it was a fixed link band. The link they provided helped in understanding what is requires to resize, and the band now fits my wrist like it was made for it. Thanks!!

  • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OP
    24 months ago

    I wasn’t talking about the micro adjustments. Sorry. I was talking about removing links.

    • @bstix
      14 months ago

      Ok, I am looking at a similar one right now, and it appears that it has been adjusted.

      One side is much shorter than the other and the short side seem to have been opened on the inside between the first and second link from the lock/narrow end. The first full “inside” clamp between two “outside” links has been opened and closed at some point.

    • Treczoks
      14 months ago

      There are tools with which you can drive out the pins. They are only good for straight bands, not the tapered ones (unless you don’t care for the looks).