• TWeaK
    746 months ago

    I almost wish everyone hadn’t defederated from hexbear so that we had more stories of the mental gymnastics justifying continues support of Putin after he banned being gay.

      • TWeaK
        76 months ago

        lemm.ee has hexbear, and I can feel the admin writhing while he allows them to persist - even after they banned me entire for “capitalist apologia”, “Genocide denial” and “Pro-zionist Lib , Get f*cked Ben Hazir !!!” - all of which would classify as the crime of defamation.

        But, at the same time, I wouldn’t have those bullshit definitions if I didn’t face them head on and call them out for their bullshit, using open modlogs where they themselves can’t hide.

    • PugJesusOP
      386 months ago

      “Whatabout the US??? Critical support for Putin’s Ukrainian genocide!”

        • PugJesusOP
          396 months ago

          Turns out tankies are actually just as pro-genocide of indigenous people as the far-right are, so long as it’s Russia or China doing it.

          Which is, of course, doubly insane considering that Russia isn’t even run by the Russian Communist Party anymore.

          • @Stovetop@lemmy.world
            326 months ago

            Enemy of my enemy logic, basically. There are people who have such a disdain for the west that they will lionize any political figures who also hate the west, no matter how contradictory their stated ideals are.

            • Rikudou_Sage
              186 months ago

              Funny thing is they still live in the west. At least stand by your opinion and move to fucking Russia. I think they’re especially welcoming of males in their 20s (only if you’re born a male and live as a male, sorry, their “tolerance” doesn’t run that far).

              • @crackajack@reddthat.com
                46 months ago

                Many people emigrated or defected to communist Russia. Most of them later regret it 😂. It was especially the case during the purge in 1930s, when American emigres flooded the American embassy in Moscow, demanding their passports back. British spy for Soviet Union, Kim Philby, was exiled to Soviet Union, and he regretted it as his extravagant lifestyle that he grew accustomed to in the West could not easily be had in USSR because of lack of consumer goods.

              • @wildginger@lemmy.myserv.one
                -16 months ago

                You know thats a nonsense thing to say. Moving countries is so fucking expensive, its not something you can just do.

                Dont make your quips sound as out of touch as the people youre quipping

                • PugJesusOP
                  116 months ago

                  Moving countries is so fucking expensive, its not something you can just do.

                  Actually, Russia has put a great deal of effort into making moving and acquiring citizenship very easy, as of late, and very affordable.

                  So long as you join up in the Russian military.

          • Flying Squid
            86 months ago

            It’s worse than that. They’re totally amoral. They can’t see beyond their stupid idea of the way they think the world should be. They’re pro-genocide when it benefits their ideology. I haven’t heard much cheering on of Israel from Tankies right now, but if Putin or Xi suddenly allied with them? They’d be begging the Israelis to bulldoze more Palestinian homes with people inside of them.

    • ihavenopeopleskills
      -426 months ago

      Defederating doesn’t serve anyone’s interest. If you don’t like a community or a server, block them. Let the rest of us decide for ourselves.

      • PugJesusOP
        396 months ago

        Some of us prefer the Fediverse to look a little less like 4chan and pigs shitting on their own balls, and a little more like literally anything else. It’s the same reason why that one alt-right instance was defederated by just about everyone.

      • Rikudou_Sage
        366 months ago

        Oh, it does. As an admin, my “job” is hard enough with the regular spammers, don’t need whole instances dedicated to spamming in my mod queue. Why do I need to make my hobby harder because people want to decide for themselves?

        Luckily, this is fediverse and you have options! You can host your own single person instance and federate with everyone. Just be prepared for some child porn federating onto your hard drives.

        • TWeaK
          46 months ago

          You can prevent child porn and everything from federating in, you just have to restrict your instance. lemm.ee does not allow any images to be locally hosted. It becomes a bit of a hassle having to manually host something somewhere else, but that’s how reddit started out so nae bother.

          • Rikudou_Sage
            26 months ago

            Sure, you can cripple part of the functionality to prevent it. Doesn’t sound like something I’d want to do.

            • TWeaK
              26 months ago

              Personally I’d say that reddit starting to self-host stuff was a big turning point in when the site started getting shit.

            • TWeaK
              6 months ago

              The post is in /c/meta@lemm.ee, though it’s one that I missed.

              Non-instance agnostic link (because there are no instance agnostic links for comments or posts): https://lemm.ee/post/19843583

              I really wish instances didn’t links for their comments and posts. lemmy.world/comment/123456 is a different link to lemm.ee/comment/123456, when really it should simply be that lemmy.world/comment/123456 is the same as lemm.ee/comment/123456@lemmy.world.

        • @wildginger@lemmy.myserv.one
          36 months ago

          What do you even do about that? Is that immediately a crime because your server hosted those images? Like obviously you defed from guilty instances asap, but what do you do as the instance owner in the interim? Report and delete?

          • Rikudou_Sage
            36 months ago

            Report and delete. If you’re lucky, you’re not the one to discover it and it hasn’t federated yet, so you defederate preemptively.

            I know at least one admin, who quit because he was afraid of police raids because of child porn. He said that the US police are quite uncompromising in such cases, but I’m not from the US so I don’t know, EU rules seem a lot saner.

      • TWeaK
        136 months ago

        Defederation is absolutely a valid tool to deal with spam instances. It’s less of a valid tool for dealing with voices and opinions you don’t like.

        Unfortunately, sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the two.

      • @ahornsirup@sopuli.xyz
        6 months ago

        You can’t block entire instances as a user, at least not on Lemmy. You can block all communities (only since very recently) hosted on an instance, but you can’t block the community, that is the users, trolling around the wider fediverse.

        • PugJesusOP
          116 months ago

          I would also argue that having shitheads around and shitting up the comment sections encourages a site culture of shitheaddery. Like, well, 4chan.

          • @DahGangalang@infosec.pub
            6 months ago

            Which puts fuckheads like me in a tough spot, since I want a classic “old internet” (read as: 4chan culture of shitheadery) feel to the place, but also don’t want to infringe on people like you’s ability to enjoy a relatively clean internet space.

            Given everything, I think having “clean” servers that defederate from toxic ones is probably the way to go just to ensure new users can have a generally good time. Then let more advanced users (like me) go find the “never defederate” instances to sign up to get that old timely feel.

            So…uh, yeah TL;DR: I think I’m on the other guy’s side, but also think you have the right of it.

            • Rikudou_Sage
              56 months ago

              You can host your own (single user) instance, which IMO is the best option with your particular mindset.

              • @DahGangalang@infosec.pub
                16 months ago

                Yeah, the real issue is that I’m too cheap to pay for a domain name / setting up a server, though it is a goal once some other life things straightened out for me.

            • PugJesusOP
              56 months ago

              Hey man, if you or your instance wants to take a dive into the deep end, I don’t mean to stop any of you. I would just prefer the parts of the Fediverse I deal with to be clean of pigs shitting on their balls and the people who spread it.