• Pyro
    26 months ago

    Out of curiosity, what makes you buy another phone instead of buying some entry level photography gear which will undoubtedly give better than a tiny phone sensor?

    Is it just the whole “point-and-shoot” thing? Or is it something deeper than that?

    • @ghashul
      196 months ago

      For backpacking it’s a matter of having to carry it all with you. Most people will likely bring a phone anyway for safety, so no need to carry a heavy camera on top. Also it’s another thing to keep charged.

      • @ZiemekZ@lemmy.world
        36 months ago

        And you have to edit almost all of the pictures afterwards since neither DSLRs nor mirrorless cameras have automated post-processing that smartphones have. I’d love to upgrade my small Fujifilm X-T100 with GCam algorithms and I’d F-KING KILL for pairing it with DxO DeepPRIME denoising algorithm. Heck, these two would be fine additions to my Galaxy Note 9! No wonder @CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi uses Pixel 6, it’s perfect for a quick snap in good light.

    • Although not an extreme ultralight backpacker, I follow those principles for what I take with me and I like to move fast in the high mountains. I don’t go to take photos, I go for the experience, but good photos are a plus. I can get some great photos with my phone at this point, though it certainly isn’t the same as a DSLR camera. My phone has my maps for navigation and my books for reading in camp as well. It’s waterproof and resilient and weighs very little. It is extremely convenient for use - put in pocket, take out when needed.

      • @AGD4@lemmy.world
        26 months ago

        Having never even considered owning a dedicated camera, I’m still somehow offended at the prospective a device that takes 20 seconds to boot. F**k those cameras.

        A point-and-shoot film camera might be the way to go, lol.