And they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming

  • BarqsHasBite
    37 months ago

    Coming from a winter city, nothing changes when it’s a blizzard. I find it funny when cities shut down when it snows.

      117 months ago

      Coming from a city where it was 80 last week and 45 last night, we don’t have a lot of snow equipment here to deal with it, so our roads end up being SUPER dangerous to navigate whenever we get the lightest of snowfall. My city has to borrow snow plows from outside of the state just to manage the roads

        97 months ago

        This exactly. Plus, people around those areas generally have no idea how to drive in that weather so it gets substantially more dangerous just to be out and about. Even if you know what you’re doing to at least stay safe, you can’t assume Joe Shmoe flying onto the highway in his jacked up dodge ram has any clue.