Sorting the posts on this community by “top of all time” you see it’s mostly memes. Is there a community like this where people actually discuss solutions to these problems and encourage activism? Otherwise this community is more of a way to distract potential activists with emotional venting.

  • Daniel Quinn
    31 year ago

    There’s value to both, but I understand the frustration. A big part of building a world without cars is developing an anti-car culture though, and memes are very effective at that.

    This question came up often in the old /r/fuckcars and the response there was typically that discussion of solutions and activism made more sense in other communities like NotJustBikes and WalkableCities. I don’t know if those have corresponding federated communities yet though.

      01 year ago

      There is a fledgling Not Just Bikes community. I would post a link but i dont know how in Jerboa.

      Definitely need more content and engagement.

      • Zagorath
        01 year ago

        Are you able to provide a link now? Or at least mention which instance it’s on?