• JB
      110 months ago

      @antipode77 @revk @TDCN @GBU_28 Does the accused’s elderly parent, who doesn’t know what they get up to, but who needs the car for some reason or another have any? If, after due process it can be shown that they reasonably SHOULD’VE known? Ok, maybe. Before that? Nope.

      • RevK :verified_r:
        110 months ago

        @jbsegal @GBU_28 @antipode77 @TDCN I’m all for those who are guilty being punished, which may include a fine or losing some of their property, but it needs to be with due process and without impact on parties that are not guilty of a crime, IMHO.

    • RevK :verified_r:
      110 months ago

      @GBU_28 @TDCN @jbsegal @antipode77 just to check. Are you saying it should be valid to impose legal penalty on innocent companies because they are not human? (That is before considering whether the owners and employees of companies that may suffer from a penalty have “human rights”).

      • antipode77
        110 months ago

        @revk @GBU_28 @TDCN @jbsegal

        A company is not able to be guilty or innocent.

        A company is a legal construct consisting of a group of humans taking decisions on behalf of a collective we call a company.

        As such the decision makers are in the end guilty or innocent. Therefore they are the ones the law must hold accountable for what the company did or did not do.

        When guilty these persons must go to prison or pay significant fines.
        The company itself must be fined for the damage they did.