• mike805
    10 months ago

    @TDCN @Showroom7561 So if it is leased, do they sell the car and pay off the lease? Or do you have to pay for insurance that covers the lease holder if this happens? I guarantee you the banks that finance leases are not just eating that.

    Here in the USA it is almost routine for the drunk who finally causes a fatal accident to have six DUIs, a .15 BAC, and a revoked license at the time of the mishap.

    • @TDCN
      210 months ago

      Tbh I have no idea how it works in practice but I’d assume the leasing companies will just pass on the cost to the offender

      • elCelio 🇪🇺 🇺🇦
        110 months ago

        @TDCN @mike805

        I think in the US, car leasing is more common than in Europe.

        it also looks like to me that it is more acceptable to put someone in jail for a prolonged period of time even for minor offenses, than to confiscate material stuff for similar offenses.

        • mike805
          110 months ago

          @elCelio @TDCN This is true when it comes to car type violations. You can easily get yourself jailed for unpaid traffic tickets or street racing. It’s just about guaranteed for DUI - there are a lot of anti-DUI pressure groups. But you will still have the car when you get out and lots of people drive without a license. That gets you jailed too, but in large parts of the USA not having a license is basically house arrest anyway.

          Drug and money offenses get property seized. Especially cash.