• DannebotOPMB
    110 months ago

    windchill94 at 2023-08-25 20:13:28+00:00 ID: jxqo8vw

    The situation in those immgirant ghettos was nowhere near as bad as it is today and overall Islam in Denmark wasn’t a big topic at all in the 1990s.

    The OIC has no jurisdiction whatsover in Denmark, they don’t even have jurisdiction to impose laws on Muslim countries as a whole.

    • DannebotOPMB
      110 months ago

      michaelvf99 at 2023-08-25 20:23:02+00:00 ID: jxqpsab

      Maybe because there are more of them? And not much is done to stop the more radicalized members? You think comics brought the tensions?

      OIC *should* have no jurisdiction in Denmark…, yet they are the single largest contributer to the pressure brought to bear on Denmark to make this law.

      So I say again, how about they just ignore it as we did, and then Paludan will probably go away like most other impotent bullies.

      • DannebotOPMB
        110 months ago

        windchill94 at 2023-08-25 20:27:34+00:00 ID: jxqqik6

        I think comics heavily exacerbated tensions and made them increase tenfold when there were virtually no tensions prior.

        No if you ignore Paludan he won’t go away, instead he will get worse and worse like all radicals do. Appeasement towards radicals never works. You know what works? Rules and firmness.

        • DannebotOPMB
          110 months ago

          michaelvf99 at 2023-08-25 20:45:09+00:00 ID: jxqtcnr

          Thats what I say, the radicals in the OIC and muslim community should not be appeased by making this useless law.

          • DannebotOPMB
            110 months ago

            windchill94 at 2023-08-25 20:57:54+00:00 ID: jxqvdmh

            This isn’t about appeasing them and the vast majority of people supporting these kind of laws are not radicals, they are your countrymen, your neighbors and your communities who think things have gone too far.

            • DannebotOPMB
              110 months ago

              michaelvf99 at 2023-08-25 21:17:39+00:00 ID: jxqyfvf

              Of course it is, it is basically the statement that the government released when they presented this law. The final paragraph is about not provoking people. The rest is about national interests, Al-Qaeda, the difficulties of doing international business, the added dangers of travelling in the world. It is ALL about appeasing so that the pressure is removed from Denmark so that we can be left alone again. THAT is the ONLY purpose.

              Bring some data to your claims, first you claim that there was NO tension between muslims and ethnic danes before 2005. That is demonstrably untrue, and an ignorant claim. Then you moved the goalposts by saying “virtually no tension”. Now you claim that the “vast majority” of people who want this law think things have gone too far? I can find no such evidence. I have engaged a lot of people in debate over this and most of them end up arguing that we should do it to preserve the peace so that our country is not the target of terrorist attacks. The rest are just tired of Paludan and hope that this law will stop him (it wont).

              I found this, which states that the majority of people believe that the government made this law to stop terrorism and help trade relations.