• Space Sloth
    61 year ago

    At least turn off the water if you’re not in it.

    • TWeaK
      81 year ago

      For the 5-10 seconds it takes to lather up? Not really worth it, especially if the water temperature will fluctuate. Also, there’s something to be said for the hot steaminess that showers create.

      I’m all for saving energy when it’s not being used, but I’m using that hot water. I might not need it, but I enjoy it.

      • Space Sloth
        1 year ago

        If you only spend 5-10 seconds I’d argue you might as well stop showering because that is not enough time to be effective.

        (edit) To not be too argumentative and rude I’d wager you probably spend more time than 10 seconds. :) Your other points do have merit too, heck who am I to judge your showering habits.

        • TWeaK
          1 year ago

          Yeah I think I was downplaying the time to try and make it seem like I’m not wasting water so much XD but dammit if I don’t like a good hot soak.

          However 5-10 seconds is probably about right for my face and hair each. 5-10 seconds lather, 5-10 seconds rinse and scrub. Then standing in the water for a minute or so daydreaming lmao.