Hyprland is transphobic
Physics and Free Software
Hyprland is transphobic
There is only one solution to this problem, and you are going to hate it: small talk.
When you approach a group of people, start by asking, “May I join you?” Then, tell someone you like something about their hat or you know something about the logo on their shirt. Do you know who’s playing on the screen? How are they doing this season? I’m not a sports fan either. What are you drinking? Is that brewery around here? I heard they use twice the hops. A buncha bullshit like that. Doesn’t matter. Be friendly and talk about bullshit. Call it being a tactical introvert if that makes you feel better.
If you don’t know one of them, ask their name. Repeat it back to them. “Good to meet you, X”. You might forget. That’s fine or even good. Ask them again. They probably forgot yours too. I use this as an opportunity to make a joke “You forgot my name!” “You forgot mine too!” “At least I cared enough to ask!”. People care that you try. Especially if they have a difficult to pronounce name or aren’t from your country. Don’t give up like everyone else.
Join whatever actual conversation they are having or ask what they are talking about. Listen. Drop a one liner. Make small contributions. When presented the opportunity, ask the person you are interested in a question related to, tangent to, or even better about their contribution to the conversation. It is at this point where conversations split naturally anyway. Switch seats or go somewhere else to keep talking 1 on 1.
So like straight up several Dudley Do Rights?
Go ask them how they are doing. Make small talk. They clearly hate other people
Better there than at the airport. Can we permenantly move the TSA to football stadiums?
Even a god king bleeds
Be careful with “is probably”. Sounds vaguely mccarthy
Why do people use vscode over codium? (Minus the two people who actually know the answer)
Phones with smaller screens
deleted by creator
“Whose dog do we shoot about this?”
They tell the truth when it’s easier to lie. They don’t blame you even if it’s your fault. And they don’t drag the team under when answering for making their own mistakes.
When I hear “social life”, “romantic”, and “platonic” right next to each other like that, I think “social life” is code for spitting game. If that’s the case I’ll let you know when I figure it out
Agreed. Many philosophies get distilled into something proximal, and often more negative over time. Just ask 4chan about nietzsche 😆 (or don’t)
That’s a pretty big glitch. 1. You have a nuclear button. 2. The omega thermal nuclear cluster bombs are pointed at a particular target
I don’t get the 1st joke
With an attitude like that you are overperforming by 105%
Stoicism in the Marcus Aurelius sense has some value here. There are things you can change and things that you can’t. Recognize the difference. It might mean recognizing you get upset about the things you can’t change, but as a framework it puts a lot into perspective
Ex post facto much?
I never said anything about romance. Read it again.