Developer and refugee from Reddit

  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Let’s break this down. Seems like you’re saying that unless my candidate wins or places second, my vote doesn’t matter.

    YES. That’s exactly what I’m saying. In a FPTP election system, that’s literally how it works.

    I’m not a fan of it. I’d love for a vote that goes to a third party to actually count in some way. But in the current system we all live under, that’s not what happens. Instead, at best you get a Ross Perot - someone who pulls votes from both parties. He became a media darling for a while because of it. But you know what? All his voters may as well have stayed home, because he got neither first nor second place. We had Bill Clinton, we had Bush the Elder as a one-termer, and both Perot and his independent party faded into obscurity.

    That won’t change until we get rid of FPTP elections. That’s a prerequisite for third-party votes mattering.

    Until then, you have literally thrown every vote you’ve ever cast for a third-party candidate away. It didn’t matter. And it even helped the candidate you were most ideologically opposed to.

    If you dispute that, you dispute math.

  • I want to ask you something. Don’t answer immediately, stop to really think about the answer and what it means.

    How many politicians have you voted for that either won or got second place? In our FPTP system, those are the only outcomes that matter. Winning means you got into an elected position. Second place means you may still have a political future.

    If you’ve been voting mostly third-party your entire adult life, there is a very good chance you have literally never had any effect on any election whatsoever. You and every single other voter who voted for your preferred candidates could have stayed home on election day and not only would the winner have remained the same, the person who came in second would have stayed the same.

    I’m willing to bet that if you stop and add up every single time your preferred candidate won or got second place, and every single time that person was running as either a Democrat or a Republican, you’ll find that it’s the same number.

  • I thought that would be obvious. Again, this is a self-selecting group of lefty folks. If someone works in one of Russia’s troll farms, and their job today is to try to divide the left, then they’re gonna go to where the left hangs out.

    If someone like that shows up shouting, “Trump 2024! MAGA!” then they’re not going to make any headway. Like I said, Republicans here tend to get downvoted into oblivion.

    So instead, they show up and go, “I’m a lefty, too. Very left. In fact, I’m so leftilicious that I hate Harris. Don’t vote for Harris, she’s just like the Republicans! Instead, vote for [INSERT CANDIDATE WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING]! Because believe me, [INSERT CANDIDATE WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING] is much, much better! Be ideologically pure! And whatever you do, don’t worry about Donald Trump becoming president, because I’m sure that with enough of us voting for them, [INSERT CANDIDATE WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING] will totes win!”

  • Me and most of the people in my social circle.

    That’s a statistically insignificant blip unless your social circle is, for example, Delaware.

    Look at the campaigns of socialist Claudia De la Cruz and the crowds of people showing up at her demonstrations. You think all those people are getting paid?

    No, of course not. I was referring specifically to online, where a single person can operate thousands of bots spamming nonsense. You can’t do something like that at a physical event.

    That said, her rallies attract hundreds of people at best. Harris’ rallies attract tens of thousands of people, with thousands more standing outside. And De la Cruz is polling in the low single digits. She’s barely a statistical blip. Yet online forums are absolutely flooded with support for her and for Jill Stein.