This is easily one of the greatest graphic novel series (3 tomes) I’ve ever read. It’s by Lewis Trondheim, creator of the brilliant Donjon mega-series, plus Ralph Azam, McConey / Lapine, and countless others.

SUMMARY: Maggy initially struck me as a ‘Bridget Jones’-like youngish woman, in many ways trying to figure out how to apply her canny bag of talents to modern life. In this latest case, she somehow goes from ‘boring part-time secretary serving a boring PI (i.e. a dick, a detective),’ all the way to swiftly graduating to someone vastly more effective than either, but also crazily embroiled in some lottery ticket & murder scandals. For me, she’s such a fun, revelatory, multidimensional character the likes of which we rarely see anymore across multiple mediums.

Now if you’ll pardon my rare looseness, instead of trying to parse & analyse as usual, let me just try to give you a direct taste of the experience, through some select panels:

Who is Maggy, anyway? She’s young, but canny, resourceful, cynically humorous. She’s bold as brass, on the verge of going DOWN… or NOT, really?

In strolls a new character:

Now we got two. Let’s DO this.

Time to get these barstids!

Yeap… bit of an old spoiler, dammit.

Protect yourself, sure… unless someone ‘protects themselves even better!’

Any last thoughts, my friend…?

Truly, Maggy is the most wonderful character I’ve read in ages…