Once you realise that they all think we have less than 10 years to the total collapse of civilisation, everything they do makes sense.
Sometimes I wonder if NASA discovered a world-ending asteroid, and they just aren’t telling us because there’s literally nothing to be done about it, but also all the reasonable people in positions of power have just stopped caring.
I have a similar suspicion. But instead of an asteroid, it’s a critical global climate crisis. Like something that will cause a rapid chain reaction that will completely and quickly fuck the planet.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, climate catastrophe, AI singularity, extraterrestrial life… take your pick
I think we would try to launch nukes at it, actually that might actually get countries to get on the same page and cooperate together more. I’m pretty sure they know AI stuff is probably going to wreck the economy in 5-15 years with AGI.
Compounds in Hawaii, mass exodus of the rich and powerful to far flung, politically isolated places like New Zealand, and private bunker building coming back into style… It’s plans and contingency plans for massive civil unrest. What becomes more interesting is the next thought in that chain… The people moving and building bunkers and compounds include the people who bought Trump the presidency and sat at his inauguration. Makes sense that they’d prepare for an eventuality where they needed to flee or be safe from temporary unrest, but if they’re demonstrably in the drivers seat, then why? Because it’s intentional or unavoidable.
Ironically, if every billionaire were to disappear off this planet right now, we could go on living just fine. If we were to disappear, they would be fucked. That’s why they’re pushing robotics and AI so much.