I 3d printed an Irish Tin Whistle. Now I have to learn to play it.
This is a daily post for “casual” conversation. If you want to post or talk about something non autism related this is where to do it. For example if you want to info dump about your special interest but it doesn’t fall into “autism related” then you can post it here in the comments. All other rules are still active, be respectful to each other.___
I thought that was a recorder instrument at first, is been so long since I’ve seen one.
One of like three health concerns is done, the other two require stuff that’s scheduled. Assuming the dentist office doesn’t cancel. Again. And again.
The kitten is currently curled up under the blankets with me so I’ve got that going for me despite everything else. She’s a good good baby.
I’m out of town for work, there’s a train 50m from my hotel room. I haven’t slept within earshot of a train since high school, when I moved out of my childhood home.
It was some of the best sleep I’ve had in years.
When we visited Chicago our Airbnb we rented was right next to the train. Our car was parked under the tracks. Some of the best sleep we ever had.
Never really had a hyper interest in trains, ad seems to be the stereotype, but now I’m just realizing that the interest was satiated while unconscious.
My fiancee was supposed to be going into town to meet up with friends today. They do a lunch and work thing every couple of months or so, and I love when that happens because it means I get the house to myself, at least while my step-son is at school.
But my step-son woke up with the sniffles and a sore throat this morning. Normally, he will race to the digital thermometer to check his temperature when he’s feeling even the slightest bit off, but today he just sat and had his breakfast. He seemed fine, he was resigned to going to school. I tried to cheer him up with some jokes, and it seemed to work.
Then his mom came downstairs, and he turned it up to 11. She pointed out the thermometer, he raced to it, and ta-da, he has a mild fever. He gleefully raced up to his room to play, while she announced to me that her plans were also cancelled because one of her friends is sick, too.
I really needed the predictability of everyone being out and knowing when they would be back. Work has been chaos this week, kiddo’s off school tomorrow for a PD day, and my fiancee has planned a big to-do about the start of March Break.
This was my day of quiet predictability.
And that will set off of the whole day usually. Hopefully something will change so there’s some positivity today.
There were plenty of positives. I just was ill suited to appreciate them because of the core experience of the day being so totally inverted. :-/
I was so sure this was made out of cheese at first and was very confused but impressed.
That would be impressive and tasty!
no longer sick! it’s time to code 😚