Hey folks!

Thinking of switching back to Linux. I was running PopOS about 1.5 years ago and was pretty happy with the gaming aspect of things, but I was playing a lot of VALORANT back then, and I got sick of dual booting. That is less the case now, so I would like to try going back to Linux for the majority of my gaming / streaming setup, and just use Windows for the handful of games like Destiny 2 that won’t run on Linux.

I am fairly new to Linux. Don’t mind learning some terminal stuff, but I am basically a noob so it does need to be pretty easy to start with. Got a NVIDIA 3080 and AMD CPU if that matters at all.

Recommend me a distro please fellow penguin gamers.

  • wagesof
    21 year ago

    Garuda comes with all of the game stores and drivers preinstalled if that make any difference to you. Plus you get to say you run arch, which is kind of like being a vegan since everyone has to tell you within seconds of meeting you that’s what they are.
